Intentionez sa dezvolt suficient de mult acest articol... momentan o sa postez doar cateva imagini realizate cu Fuji X-10, in incercarea de a reda sublimul culorilor si frumusetea intrinseca a acestui mic aparat. Totusi vreau sa precizez ceva ce mi se pare extrem de important: nu am simtit pana acum niciodata o placere mai mare in a privi o imagine (din punct de vedere coloristic) - nu stiu, poate e doar in imaginatia mea... sau poate intr-adevar baietii de la Fuji au reusit ceva deosebit, ce alti producatori de "digitale" nu au fost in stare (sau nu vor ;-) ). Vreau de asemenea sa mentionez ca imaginile nu au suferit nicio alterare (post-procesare) din punct de vedere al culorilor redate sau balansului de alb (in rest, ajustari minore, pe alocuri).
Pe curand ;-)
Through so many fences, through so many lenses / We capture the light and defeat the darkness. Always seeking the truth, seeking for our roots, / We are writing our life in rich colors - chronicles of misery or wealth. From the black depths of our souls to the very lightness of our faith / We render with many different shades of gray / A glimpse of reality, a sparkle of future or only the past fading away. Seeing evil, seeing truth, seeing bad or seeing good, / But never judging with the mind what the heart cannot see, /Abandoning ourselves, we keep our spirits free. So many unshared worries and so many unwritten stories, / Forgotten destinies and hidden truths, / We immortalize the magic of an instant / By painting it with beautiful rays of light.
A few words...
- Gabi
- My passion is photography. I am practicing it as a hobby and my camera is always with me, wherever I go...