Through so many fences, through so many lenses / We capture the light and defeat the darkness. Always seeking the truth, seeking for our roots, / We are writing our life in rich colors - chronicles of misery or wealth. From the black depths of our souls to the very lightness of our faith / We render with many different shades of gray / A glimpse of reality, a sparkle of future or only the past fading away. Seeing evil, seeing truth, seeing bad or seeing good, / But never judging with the mind what the heart cannot see, /Abandoning ourselves, we keep our spirits free. So many unshared worries and so many unwritten stories, / Forgotten destinies and hidden truths, / We immortalize the magic of an instant / By painting it with beautiful rays of light.
Timpul disponibil si lumina putina nu au fost de partea mea. Am reusit totusi sa imortalizez cateva crampeie din Maramuresul meu drag, incarcat de atmosfera sosirii Craciunului. Zapada (nu multa, dar ne-a tinut de cald ;-) ) si colindatori in costume populare, multa voie buna, horinca si mamaliga aburinda. Desi tardiv, va urez totusi un an nou ca-n povesti! (acelea cu sfarsit fericit)
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